Why did I decide to go into business as a photographer.
If you don't know my name is Timeasha Bailey I am currently 26 years old and decided to go full time with my photography business. Before I answer the question of why I'm going to tell you a little about myself. I grew up in two small towns in North Carolina named Murphy and Hayesville. Hayesville, smaller than Murphy was where I was a cheerleader middle and high school year. Murphy was where I graduated.
During this time I always loved taking photographs of myself I would dress up and do my hair then spend hours just doing different types of posing and outfit changes. Picture this it's 2011 our walls are covered with twilight, Justin Beiber, Chris Brown, and Jonas brother posters, you have on the bracelet that you're friend (or boyfriend made you)

We can all laugh together lol. From then on, I was always taking pictures of people or myself. I even did a bathroom photo shoot with my friends idk why I am realizing how cringe I was as a kid and omg.. Pictures have always been important to me I don't have any physical pictures of myself when I was younger, and I've never seen a picture of me as a baby. I think about that a lot and I want to give people a memory to hold on to. Photography is a part of who I am.
I decided to sell my car to go full time because it's more than just a job to me it's my passion, it's how I express myself. I want someone to not only get their picture taken but be fully involved in creating art. Let me tell your story through telling mine. Weddings are becoming my favorites I have only done a couple but so far, from getting ready to watching a bride walk down the aisle through my lens. I DO's and the portraits where they get to finally spend a moment together after a very stressful morning, the fact that I get to be the one to freeze time and give them a piece of something. Is just so amazing and important to me. Of course, family and maternity sessions hold a special place in my heart being a mother I know how important and heartwarming it is to see photos with your kids!
Women empowerment is another very important and necessary thing to encourage and create. As a woman sometimes we push ourselves to the back of the line and take care of everyone and everything. We do that until we don't exist anymore, so we need something that reminds us that we are the boss and we are on top when it comes to what we offer and who we are!
So back to the question every part of photography is personal to me and it's just what I'm supposed to be doing. It is natural for me and feels right. If you read this wondering if I am the right photographer for you let's chat!